
Energy 1000 A&B

Racing Boosters for Maximum energy release during racing

To supplement vitamins and other nutrients to support energy metabolism and release before the race.

• Increasing energy to allow the animal to run faster for longer

• Enhancing general activity

• Enhancing race performance


Chelated Calcium: Increasing insulin sensitivity which means more glucose can get into cells and be burnt as a source of energy during racing.

TMG: Aiding improved energy metabolism.

Inositol: Commonly called muscle sugar. It is used for the synthesis of phospholipids and liproteins. Aiding fat metabolism during racing.

Carnitine: Rumen protected for maximum availability in horses. Important in the production of energy. A Co Factor for cellular metabolism. Essential for fat metabolism.

Pyridoxine: An essential vitamin involved in many metabolic enzyme systems. Important in maximising energy production, blood and immune systems.

Pantothenic Acid  – Involved in:

• Metabolism of protein, carbohydrate and fats

• Maintenance of blood sugars

• Haemoglobin synthesis


Feeding Instructions

Feed 60ml of Energy 1000A 6 hours before racing

Feed 60ml of Energy 1000B 3 hours before racing