

Didecyldimethyl Ammonium Chloride 7% w/v

AQUASAN is powerful and safe disinfectant for poultry, livestock and aquaculture. The wide antimicrobial spectrum includes Bactria, Fungi and enveloped viruses. AQUASAN is specially formulated to give cleansing and degreasing action and it is fragrance-free for suitable application in food processing equipment. AQUASAN is suitable for use as general disinfectant for surfaces and equipment, for flushing of water system and pipelines and for drinking water sanitization in animal and poultry farms.

Recommended Usage:
As drinking water sanitizer for Poultry and livestock- 1 ml of AQUASAN in 10 liters of water. For flushing the pipelines and farm utensils – 10-15 ml AQUASAN per liter of water. For washing equipment, vehicles, hand wash, foot bath – 1 ml of AQUASAN per liter of water. For Aquaculture – 5-10 liters of AQUASAN for one hectare pond with an average depth of 1 meter OR a final dilution of 0.5 to 1 ppm OR 0.5 to 1ml in 1000 liters of water. For effective distribution in ponds, dilute the required qua

Withdrawal Time:
A withdrawal time of 500 degree days after last application is recommended for fish.

500ml and 5 liters